●ZEPP I はピロス尊師の切り直したプレスが最高と宣っている動画 The George Piros Mastering Episode - Five Essential Pressings!
●ZEPP IIのベストはRL盤、CLASSICの200g 45回転2枚組、ピロス尊師の順と宣っている動画 Led Zeppelin - II - LP Review And Comparison What Version Is The Best 両面 “RL / SS” 刻印!ROBERT LUDWIG の高音圧ホット・マスタリング ROBERT LUDWIG MASTERED at STERLING SOUND "HOT MIX" STEREO PRESSING 米国アトランティック “Wロゴ無_1841 Broadway...” 記載のレッド&グリーン初回オリジナル 分厚いワイドスパイン7.5mm広背巾でマットな仕様のオリジナル・カードボード見開きジャケ STERLING SOUND でのマスタリング_SS刻印 マスタリング・エンジニアはボブ(ロバート)ラドウィック(Robert Ludwig). RL刻印 LH(Lee Hulko)刻印が混じっていないリアル両面“RL”刻印の初回盤中の初回プレス 1969年時のアトランティック広告カラー・インナーバッグ 音には定評のある西海岸モナーク(MONARCH MO)でのプレス 工房STERLING(SS)でRobert Ludwig(RL)マスタリングの伝説のホット・ミックス初回カット
【MATRIX #.手書き刻印】
● ラベル面:ST-A-691671-MO / ST-A-691672-MO ● ST-A-691671-MO T CC RL SS LW △13933 W AT / ST-A-691672-MO CC LW RL SS △13933-X W AT
I wrote Robert Ludwig in the last week and he wrote me back. All the versions from sterling are the same hot mix. The subtle variances between them are all simply from the slight differences in making a hand-made analog lacquer disc, at least one of which was sent to all the pressing plants at the time. The CTH plant got a lacquer that was half RL and half LH (Lee Hulko, his partner) but was of the SAME MIX AND MASTER, based on RL"s notes. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME, aside from subtle variances and should be valued the SAME no matter who"s initials are in the dead wax. They are all the same master from STERLING SOUND! Here is my reply from Robert Ludwig. Let this be the final word in this debate. Thanks!
Hi Jim, I"m surprised about Lee Hulko"s initials being on some of the parts. In all these years I had never come across any copies with his initials before. When there were big orders of certain titles and there wasn"t physically enough time for one person to crank out the lacquers as fast as the record company wanted, sometimes we would help each other out. For instance, my initials might appear on a Beatles record that Lee mastered. In every case, compared to now, those titles were relatively easy to master. Once one of us mastered an album and it was approved, we made careful notes, either one of us could cut it and it should come out the same. Back then, Lee and I shared the one room and worked different hours so it is possible one of the plants blew a part and needed a replacement right then with no delay. So after I mastered the album (which Eddie Kramer & Atlantic approved) it was shipped to all the radio stations and the initial pressing was all from me and Sterling Sound. Amhet Ertegun at Atlantic heard the album (which Eddie demanded be as hot as possible) and apparently it skipped on his daughters little turntable. Instead of calling us at Sterling and asking us to lower the level a little and telling us where it skipped, they had the disk cutters at Atlantic use my EQ"d cassette file copy and they cut it WAY lower than my original cut plus, in my opinion, it sounded dull and generally not very good sounding in comparison. So all the disks that were played at the radio stations and all the initial pressings world wide came from me (and apparently Lee cut a part or two) and that was what "sold" the record and made it a hit. A year later, whenever I visited someone I would look at their Zeppelin II album to see if it was my cut or Atlantic"s cut. It was easy to see by eye, the Atlantic cut ended much farther from the label and the grooves to the naked eye looked very conservative. I still got to Master "Houses of the Holy" later on, no skipping problems with that as far as I know!
I hope this clears this up for you. All my best, Bob Ludwig
Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
( Atlantic SD 8236 )
1969年製作 Original 1st Pressing
ゼップ(変異株)特集! 両面【RL】刻印2枚、 片面【RL】1枚、両面【AT/GP】刻印6枚
●ZEPP I はピロス尊師の切り直したプレスが最高と宣っている動画
The George Piros Mastering Episode - Five Essential Pressings!
●ZEPP IIのベストはRL盤、CLASSICの200g 45回転2枚組、ピロス尊師の順と宣っている動画
Led Zeppelin - II - LP Review And Comparison What Version Is The Best
両面 “RL / SS” 刻印!ROBERT LUDWIG の高音圧ホット・マスタリング
米国アトランティック “Wロゴ無_1841 Broadway...” 記載のレッド&グリーン初回オリジナル
マスタリング・エンジニアはボブ(ロバート)ラドウィック(Robert Ludwig). RL刻印
LH(Lee Hulko)刻印が混じっていないリアル両面“RL”刻印の初回盤中の初回プレス
音には定評のある西海岸モナーク(MONARCH MO)でのプレス
工房STERLING(SS)でRobert Ludwig(RL)マスタリングの伝説のホット・ミックス初回カット
【MATRIX #.手書き刻印】
● ラベル面:ST-A-691671-MO / ST-A-691672-MO
● ST-A-691671-MO T CC RL SS LW △13933 W AT / ST-A-691672-MO CC LW RL SS △13933-X W AT
【他刻印】MR(囲み円スタンプ刻印) リアル両面 RL/SS 刻印
Warm Rich Dynamic & Transparent!!!
当方の試聴システム 画像
- Killer Sound -
二度とあると思うな盤 一期一会の奇跡的(笑)な逸品です!
I wrote Robert Ludwig in the last week and he wrote me back. All the versions from sterling are the same hot mix. The subtle variances between them are all simply from the slight differences in making a hand-made analog lacquer disc, at least one of which was sent to all the pressing plants at the time. The CTH plant got a lacquer that was half RL and half LH (Lee Hulko, his partner) but was of the SAME MIX AND MASTER, based on RL"s notes. THEY ARE ALL THE SAME, aside from subtle variances and should be valued the SAME no matter who"s initials are in the dead wax. They are all the same master from STERLING SOUND! Here is my reply from Robert Ludwig. Let this be the final word in this debate. Thanks!
Hi Jim,
I"m surprised about Lee Hulko"s initials being on some of the parts. In all these years I had never come across any copies with his initials before. When there were big orders of certain titles and there wasn"t physically enough time for one person to crank out the lacquers as fast as the record company wanted, sometimes we would help each other out.
For instance, my initials might appear on a Beatles record that Lee mastered. In every case, compared to now, those titles were relatively easy to master. Once one of us mastered an album and it was approved, we made careful notes, either one of us could cut it and it should come out the same. Back then, Lee and I shared the one room and worked different hours so it is possible one of the plants blew a part and needed a replacement right then with no delay.
So after I mastered the album (which Eddie Kramer & Atlantic approved) it was shipped to all the radio stations and the initial pressing was all from me and Sterling Sound.
Amhet Ertegun at Atlantic heard the album (which Eddie demanded be as hot as possible) and apparently it skipped on his daughters little turntable. Instead of calling us at Sterling and asking us to lower the level a little and telling us where it skipped, they had the disk cutters at Atlantic use my EQ"d cassette file copy and they cut it WAY lower than my original cut plus, in my opinion, it sounded dull and generally not very good sounding in comparison.
So all the disks that were played at the radio stations and all the initial pressings world wide came from me (and apparently Lee cut a part or two) and that was what "sold" the record and made it a hit. A year later, whenever I visited someone I would look at their Zeppelin II album to see if it was my cut or Atlantic"s cut. It was easy to see by eye, the Atlantic cut ended much farther from the label and the grooves to the naked eye looked very conservative. I still got to Master "Houses of the Holy" later on, no skipping problems with that as far as I know!
I hope this clears this up for you.
All my best,
Bob Ludwig
♬♬ (VG:ダメージ在, VG+:普通の品, EX:良好な, NM:新品に近い) ♬♬
(±)でより細かくグレーディング ★ カバー ★ 適切な光量下、100均で求めた老眼鏡装着にて観察
収納側のトップに約10cmの裂け、裏面2箇所に小さく書き込み、天地にスレ、背表紙辺縁にスレ、背上下エッジは角潰れ、取り出し側下角に当たりなど難点ありますが、正面の見栄えは、白地部分に僅かな薄汚れあるだけで、スレ染みリングウェアもなくパリッとほぼエクセレントで、背文字もハッキリくっきり。詳細は画像でご判断ください。 VG+
★ アトランティックの68〜69年フルカラーインナーバッグは両サイド裂け底抜けあります。
★ 盤面 ★ OKKI NOKKI Vacuum Record Cleaning System (230V) にて丹念に洗浄済み
盤面の光沢は艶も保持されて良好です。 VG++
★ プレイ ★ [STEREO] SOTA COSMOS, ET2.5 - Air Floating LTA w/SUMIKO BluePoint Special
[MONO] Well Tempered Classic - Audio Technica AT-3M MONO /
チリつきも無く、とても気持ちよく快適にサウンドを堪能できます。 EX+
♪ 新品の紙製レコード用内袋とジャケット用ビニール袋をお付けしています ♪
♪ 熊本県発送(ヤマト運輸,定形外,ゆうパックに対応) ♪
♪ ご入金は銀行、郵便局、ヤフー決済に対応 ♪
♪ オーディオ評価、コンディション評価、発送、入金等を記載のHP自己紹介を必ずお読みください ♪
拙文を最後まで読んでいただき有難うございます。生かして頂いて ありがとう御座います
上等本皮強化張り三線その③ ファッション
♬ 激レア!RL/SS 両面刻印 ”HOT MIX”桁外れ轟音【A面溝あり 高品質 MONARCH-MO 147g】ROBERT LUDWIG ☆ LED ZEPPELIN II ♪ 美再生(一般)|売買されたオークション情報、Yahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!) の商品情報をアーカイブ公開 - オークファン(aucfan.com)
ディズニー チケット JTB 注文
♬ 激レア!RL/SS 両面刻印”HOT MIX”桁外れ轟音【A面溝あり高品質MONARCH-MO 147g】ROBERT LUDWIG ☆ LED ZEPPELIN II ♪ 美再生|代購幫
スロット実機 オファー 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ
スロット実機 オファー 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ
♬ 激レア!RL/SS 両面刻印 ”HOT MIX”桁外れ轟音【A面溝あり 高品質 MONARCH-MO 147g】ROBERT LUDWIG ☆ LED ZEPPELIN II ♪ 美再生(一般)|売買されたオークション情報、Yahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!) の商品情報をアーカイブ公開 - オークファン(aucfan.com)
上等本皮強化張り三線その③ ファッション
上等本皮強化張り三線その③ ファッション
上等本皮強化張り三線その③ ファッション
スロット実機 オファー 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ
♬ 激レア!RL/SS 両面刻印”HOT MIX”桁外れ轟音【A面溝あり高品質MONARCH-MO 147g】ROBERT LUDWIG ☆ LED ZEPPELIN II ♪ 美再生|代購幫
パイロット アウトレット カスタム742 FMニブ
スロット実機 オファー 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ